The Superman I knew could stop bullets with his bare hands, but I guess his head wasn't of the same strength.
George Reeves was the Superman of my childhood. We watched the show on TV, in black and white, of course. Then there was no Superman, and then the headlines screamed of his suicide.
Then much later there was a movie Superman, Christopher Reeve, who seemed so perfect. Though as a child I hadn't a clue as to the real-life problems of my TV Superman. Christopher Reeve is a modern legend. He became even more perfect in the public's mind after he fell off the horse and broke his neck. Being paralyzed challenged him as nobody would ever want. He and his wife faced up to his limitations in a truly "super" way. Who would have guessed that there was such quality behind his good looks. Now they are both dead, giving proof to the saying that "Bad things happen to good people."

So far there's no movie made about them (at least to my knowledge,) but I didn't know that George Reeves was the subject of a movie. He wasn't heroic like the character he played, nor the more famous, later Superman. There must have been too much Kryptonite in his life.
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