These are the "conveniences" in Jerusalem's trendy Mamilla Mall. When we ate there last week, I was horrified to see these things. Too bad I didn't know that the restaurant we ate at had more "comfortable ones."

A Jewish Grandmother: Original, unedited daily musings, and host to the monthly Kosher Cooking Carnival. **Copyright(C)BatyaMedad ** For permission to use these in publications of any sort, please contact me directly. Private accredited distribution encouraged. Thank you.
A special Refuah Shleimah to
Pnina bat Sofia Zlata
Probably everyone has heard about the terrorist situation in Mumbai, and in particular at the Chabad House there. WE ARE TRYING TO GET 43 WOMEN TO BAKE CHALLAH AND WHEN MAKING THE BROCHO TOPRAY FOR THE SAFETY OF:
Gavriel Noach ben Freida Bluma
Rivkah bas Yehudis
and the other Jews there.
Please can any women who are baking challah and will do this contact me immediately at
Thanks so much!
May we hear only besuros toivos! Moshiach NOW!!! A guten Shabbos! Leah-- Chabad of Crimea and Bais Menachem Jewish School appreciate your help. Please see our website Secure tax deductible donations can be made online.Or send checks to:American Friends of Chabad of Crimea1601 Union StreetBrooklyn, NY 11213 Thank you very much for your kind support!-- Chabad of Crimea and Bais Menachem Jewish School appreciate your help. Please see our website Secure tax deductible donations can be made online.
Or send checks to:American Friends of Chabad of Crimea1601 Union StreetBrooklyn, NY 11213 Thank you very much for your kind support!
1. Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.And here are my seven facts:
2. Share 7 facts about yourself, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people (if possible) at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blogs.
"Are you in Ofra?"
"Yes, why?"
"I just passed your car. When I are driving home?"
"In a few minutes. Yes, I'll take you home."
"Thanks, I'll wait."
KCC is more than just a recipe carnival. It includes Halacha (Jewish Law,) cookbook and restaurant reviews, traditions etc.
Watch the wind blow...
Eventually, I got it right, and the waffles weren't bad.
Now, I used wholewheat flour, because that's what we have. I also used brown, dark brown, sugar, because it's tastier with the dark flour.
Actually, this is identical to pancakes. So, just think of waffles as textured pancakes. It's all in the "presentation," or "packaging."
Like for a cake, first I mixed the dry ingredients and then added the liquids. I mixed everything but not "too much."
The waffle iron seemed to have lost its instructions, and I tried searching on the internet. I could find the machine, but all it said was:
So, I'm reporting. It's a Krup 2-waffle, and I couldn't figure out how to get the cooking parts out, without breaking the machine. During my internet search I did come up with something similar, where the site had a question:"Do you want to be the first to report about this waffle maker?"
"How do you clean the wafflemaker if you can't take it apart and can't submerge it in water?"
Good question!
I wiped it all with a damp paper towel, plugged it in, and it began to heat up. No, there isn't an on/off switch. Of course, what can I expect when we got it for nothing?
The first batch is better left where I left it, in the garbage. But after that it got better, though my husband kept asking why it wasn't crispy. Silicon cooking utensils don't get the food as crispy as old-fashioned stainless steel.
We ate them with maple-flavored sugar syrup. So, if you'd like to come for jblogger waffles, please bring some real maple syrup or other/better stuff for the waffles.
Great post. You covered a lot of issues.
In the "old days," the guards here would walk around the neighborhoods doubling as babysitters, since there were few kids old enough to work in the profession. My eldest had almost a monopoly at one point.
Well, if there was a yishuv party, the guards would check on crying babies, too.
"I want one too!"
"All you have to do is ask her. That's what I did."
"Maybe you'd like to take some. I don't have room, and anyway, I'd love to move to a smaller place."
"Do you know where -- lives?"
"Not exactly. Are you going to pay a shiva call?" (That's a condolence call.)
"Are you in the car?"
"Yes. Does that mean that I should have asked you if you want to come?"
"That would be nice."
"We'll be by in a minute."
"Thanks. I just have to put on my shoes."
A Mother’s tehillim project / A Single’s tehillim project
Rosh Chodesh Kislev - Friday, November 28th
... mothers around the world will join together and pray for their children’s soul-mates PROJECT 1.
… single people around the world will pray together to be united with their destined soul-mates PROJECT 2.
In order to accomplish this goal, I am asking that everyone goes to and fill out the respective form. Once groups of 40 people are formed per project in your timezone, I will send you your portions of tehillim to recite along with the names of the rest of your group and further instructions. Your allotted tehillim should be recited once on Rosh Chodesh day.
Kol Yisrael Areivim Zeh Lazeh. All of Israel is responsible for one another - pass this email on to others who may be interested in participating. Please also help me advertise for this project by posting on any email group you may be on.
May our prayers be answered sweetly and speedily,Tamara
* Your email address will NOT be distributed or displayed. No last names will be displayed.
"I'm taking you home, and then you'll check if you have water. I was told that there's water in your neighborhood. I filled the car with water bottles, since we're all out."