Saturday, October 09, 2010

Busy, Busy, Strange Shabbat

Shabbat came to Shiloh during an electricity blackout.  Here's the story.

Now I'm going to work on the next Kosher Cooking Carnival.  It's supposed to be posted tomorrow.  I hope to finish in time, if not, then later.  I have a busy tomorrow planned.  Of course I should have started sooner...

Please remember to send in your KCC links right after posting, or you'll forget.  It's a monthly carnival, and who can remember month by month what we posted?  I can't.  And if you're interested in hosting one, please contact me.  I'll let you know which month (according to Jewish months) is available.  Bloggers, please blog about KCC. 

Time for me to start working on it!

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