A Jewish Grandmother: Original, unedited daily musings, and host to the monthly Kosher Cooking Carnival. **Copyright(C)BatyaMedad ** For permission to use these in publications of any sort, please contact me directly. Private accredited distribution encouraged. Thank you.
This is cross-posted on Shiloh Musings. I decided that it's important enough to post here, too. We don't have a car, and I walk all over the place. I love walking, both for the physical exercise and to take pictures. I always have my camera strapped to my waist and whip it out to shoot any scene or sight which catches my fancy. Sometimes, like when I took these photos, it wasn't all that pleasant.
Walking in Jerusalem has its dangers. A few weeks ago I came across the same problem. Suddenly no sidewalk. So I back-tracked and crossed to the other side. I then saw that lots of people did walk along the cars, so that's what I did yesterday. I also documented various places where construction and vehicles had put my life in danger.
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