Friday, November 06, 2009

So, There's Kosher Food, Is That Enough?

It's considered pretty easy to live kosher in America, but is that enough?  This article about the big kosher food expo is quite a binge.

Last week we read Lech Lecha as the Torah Portion of the Week.  In it G-d tells Abram to "go where I tell you."  He doesn't say to live wherever there are good kosher restaurants and large kosher food selections in the supermarket.

There's more to Jewish living than bagels.

Abram didn't call take-out delivery when his three surprise guests arrived.  He and Sarai did the cooking themselves, and they didn't even have a large freezer.

My husband and I have been in Israel for almost forty years and in Shiloh for 3/4 of it.  We've seen this wonderful country grow and develop.  Not in a million years could I ever imagine living anyplace else.

So many of our old friends are stuck in America, still trying to save that "extra money" to facilitate aliyah.  That's the big myth, that you must wait and save.

Send your kids here before they're stuck, too.


Anonymous said...

Did you say there is more to being Jewish than bagels? I am shocked! How can you say such a thing? (sarcasm, joke, etc.)

Good post!

Batya said...

Of course, knishes are out of style!
