I returned to Shuki Zikri Duri haircutting school for what will probably be the last time.
Davka, this time the actual cut was OK. Being that the student didn't seem very experienced, the teacher did most of the work. This young student seemed repulsed by having to wash my hair. He (yes a male; I didn't request a female, which I heard someone do when I had just finished) did an awful job. I'm sure that my hair wasn't properly rinsed.
Another problem there is that the combs and brushes come out of the student's private bags, and they don't seem to be cleaned at all.
By the time I came home I felt that my head and body were "crawling" and itchy, if you get the drift of what I'm saying. So, I took a good (water-wasting) shower and shampoo and combed my hair with a fine-tooth nit-picker metal comb when it was all soapy and creamed. I didn't have my reading glasses in the shower, so I don't know if anything was removed. Then I used a blow-dryer to bake it all, if there was anything to "bake."
Afterwards, B"H, I felt "normal." We'll be having new next door neighbors by the time I need my next haircut, and she's supposed to be a trained professional. Hopefully, she won't charge too much. So I'll give her a try. Convenience makes a difference. Also, my hair is covered for religious reasons, so I don't need the best haircut.
If you can get to Ariel, Sima does an excellent job and has a special curtained area in the back for the Dati head-covering clientele.
Pesky, I had forgotten about that. I'd have to contact you for details. I'm not familiar with Ariel. But I was in Jerusalem for a dentist appointment and had no other plans. I try to have multiple appointments or plans or it doesn't pay to travel.
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