Thursday, August 28, 2008

Camp Savta--Granny's Camp

In the end I didn't take too many pictures.
Here are the campers:

Kids really don't need too many toys, and they don't need all the fancy ones. When I was a little girl, I had wooden blocks just like these, which my mother bought for my kids about 35 years ago. I can't claim that the entire set has survived over three decades, but enough have, so that my grandkids can enjoy them. I took out that pail of classic toys on Shabbat during the women's shiur (class) because a young mother came with her pre-school daughter.

My daughter was kind enough (to both me and the kids) to arrange some extra staff. That way the more advanced campers were able to get a special computer lesson.

While the special counselors were with the advanced campers, I could take the baby out for a "fall asleep" hike.

Yes, this exclusive camp provided lots of individual attention! Later on, the "boss" arrived and we went to the pool. No pictures from that.

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