"77 Sunset Strip"
by Mack David and Jerry Livingston
"You meet the high brow and the hipster
The starlet and the phony tipster
You meet most every kind of gal and guy
Including a private eye!"
Now what does that popular TV show from 45 years ago, 77 Sunset Strip, have to do with this edition of Havel Havelim? Very simple. This is the 77th edition of Havel Havelim, the Jewish-Israeli blogging carnival consisting of posts from blogs all over the world. It’s hosted by a different blogger each week and coordinated by Soccer Dad. The term “Havel Havelim” is from Kohelet, Ecclesiastes, which was written by King Solomon, who built the Holy Temple in Jerusalem and later on got all bogged down in materialism and other “excesses” and finally realized that it was nothing but norishkeit, “havel” or in English “vanities.”
I had decided to give the place of honor—first post—to the very first one sent to me, and what a fantastic and perfectly suitable post it is. We have a visit to Har HaBayit by Life in Israel. He also promotes a musical album, which has original compositions by his wife.
Greetings from French Hill ask that we all say a prayer for Gilad Shalit.
And then she rants about the international media. Gail complains about the Forward. Here's more on the media by Maryland Conservatarian. And an anti-NY Times post from my husband. Don't forget the BBC; thanks, Judeopundit. The Pillage Idiot presents Thomas Friedman! And Simply Jews gives us more from La La Land.
"With a little help from my friends", meaning I'm using jblogsphere as a resource. It doesn't rate the blogs like JBlog Central (vote for me, please!); it just lists most of the Jewish and Israeli blogs as they're published, with these magic balloons coming up showing the text, when you "point" to them. This has exposed me to all sorts of blogs I had never heard of before, so enjoy them. I'm so overwhelmed with the richness of the Jewish blogging world that I won't attempt to seriously organize them all. I'd rather give you as many links as I can.
Don't forget Parshat Shavua! It's Balak by Chovshei Shemo. And here's another Dvar Torah, this time by Moshe Burt. This week we also enter our traditional three weeks of mourning for the destruction of the Beit HaMikdash, Holy Temple, so here's the always timely mourning star by the traditional artist of Havel Havelim.
Read The End of Days by Yaak. And here's A Modzitzer, Lubavitcher, Breslover, And A Clevelander - Chok L'Yisroel from a Simple Jew.
Daled Amos explains what "civilized" really means. I see that I'm not the only blogger who uses a dictionary. And the Elder of Ziyon apologizes for a lack of netiquette.
DAG compares July 4th and Thanksgiving from a Jewish perspective. Life of Rubin celebrates July 4; look at the banner! The Jerusalem cop, too. A historical comparison between Israel and the United States can be found on Sultan Knish.

Jack reflects on Disengagement and Gilad Shalit. My husband asks why the Red Cross hasn't been helping. You can hear him on the BBC.
I'm glad that Elie has a sense of humor; it seems like his daughter is in Allen Sherman's Camp Grenada.
Frumbutwithit tells us about his camp visits in the "frummy camps."
Talking about summer fun, you must see the Gush Katif basketball story! It's the Gush Katif that the media and politicians ignored. It will be premiered throughout Israel on July 30th in select community theatres throughout Israel. Here are the listings. And here's the contact information.
Jameel begins the expected flood of reflections and disclosures about last summer's Disengagement. Carl adds to it. And here's information on world-wide public events.
Mrs. Lewis debuts! Two new blogs on the block! The second is angelwings.
Veteran English Teacher, Avraham Roos's site has lots worth reading.
Ezzie writes about close calls, something many of us have experienced more than once in this crazy world.
Irina tells us more about her recent trip to Israel.
On the Fringe reviews Rabbi Henkin's book in a very comprehensive way.
And do you think that The Tipping Point has lessons for us, here?
I like Kasamba's unique way of teaching shmirat halashon.
Mazal Tov to Naphtuli! Also, Mazal Tov to Ezerkenegdo and hubby on their 10th --anniversary, that is. And while we're talking "mazal tov," read Ezzie's post about shidduchim.
Liorah Walks on Fire and writes poetry.
And Westbankmama shares her thoughts and feelings about many important things.

The Israeli Education Ministry has another loser plan, importing English teachers.
Here's an excellent piece from Secular Blasphemy, all the news he "sees fit to print."
Judeopundit tries to unpuzzle the puzzle.
Read Dave's beautifully illustrated Quick Draw McGraw! You can sure get more with honey or a good laugh. And here's a short video from psychotoddler.
Simply Jews explains about the friendly qassams. (heavy Arab calling cards?)
According to Meryl Yourish, it's a Lewis Carroll world. Others see it as an episode in The Simpsons.
Charles Krauthammer isn't as smart as he's cracked up to be. And will this Israeli "incursion" improve Israeli security?
I found the Carnival of Islamofacism, which may interest some of you.
Here's Nasser's Worst Mistake from progressiveislam.
Re: Gilad Shalit
Here's a news update from Israel and The Sin of Expulsion, which also has a very extensive post about the idea of a prisoner release and another about appeasement and deterrence. Jameel is impressed by the ability of the bereaved mother of Eliyahu Asheri, HaYa"D, and Bibi, brother of Yoni Netanyahu to be able to see the "big picture," even after burying their loved ones. I hope that Tikun Olam is correct about the possible release of Gilad Shalit. Here's what Moshe Burt has to say about it. Rafi G says to negotiate.
Menachem Butler tells Rabbi Dr. Lamm's story about the Entebbe Rescue.
Shemitah Rediscovered responds to Hakhel.
Elms in the Yard campaigns for a truly equal Women's Area by the Kotel.
There's a very important personal report by a French Jew on Israel Commentary. (Thanks Boris) And from Esther, too.
Smooth commemorates Jews of Estonia's 65th Anniversary of Expulsion and their exile to Siberia.
On Israpundit, we have The World According to Sabeel and The ‘peace process’ is a bigger danger than Hamas.
Scottage discusses Iran's threats to Israel.
Barely a Blog writes about Abu Mazen.
I'm going to give Carl his own section here:
Shalit, alive?
prisoner exchange?
shell game
The Enemy Within
Seducing children to martyrdom
Hamas to court
Return to Gush Katif
Christmas in July Palestinian Style
Remember that Carl's a lawyer when you read this: Gaza'a electric supply.
Using children in battle
IDF to reliberate redeploy in Gaza?
the expulsion is killing us
Mida k'Neged Mida A Measure for a Measure
Are the Swiss anti-Semitic? Read Roger L. Simons to find out.
For something mundane, which digital camera should I buy? After my trip to NY, I'll be returning home on a Nefesh B'Nefesh flight as a journalist, so I need something reliable and easy to use.
GREAT NEWS!! Moving on up is here! Read all about it!
Here's Irina's story of the final days of her trip to Israel and some strange experiences and pictures.
You must see the picture of the midnight sun by the Northenmost Jew. Unreal!!
The Daily Bang gives us My Gentile Tivo. I don't think we have Tivo in Israel, but I understand that it's really something special; though I'm happy enough with the DVD-VCR. If I were to watch more TV, I wouldn't have so much time to blog!
Read about saus's SF weapon! And please try to smile; it's good for your health.
According to Mottel, Six world changing insights that can only be reached by living in Lithuania . . . or drinking beer.
Try the Mad Bad Vlad from the Volokh Conspiracy.
A friend came across the following website which is truly impressive, Eretz Yisrael Forever. If you haven’t visited it, you’ll want to do so. (Make sure your sound is turned on and don’t skip the intro.)
Zionist.com asks why Israel plays down terror.
Read the Father's Question by Carl. It's the same question my neighbor, Moshe Keinan, has been asking ever since his son was killed in a badly planned army action.
Oleh Yashan tells us what he thinks about Gaza now.
Ya'aqov mourns two young men a year after they were murdered by Arab terrorists. And I mourn two other victims, four years after their murders by publishing my very first musings, which expressed my thoughts during those terrible times.
Rick reminds us that 7/7 was the date of the one-year anniversary of the London train bombings.
Barak discusses how the recent crises effects further Israeli withdrawals.
LGF tells us that according to Ahmadinejad: Muslims Must Act to Eliminate Israel.
Rick tells us about Israel's Legal Rights in the West Bank.
Omri tells us why Hamas Popularity is Israel's Fault.
Natan welcomes 9/11 Conspiracy Theorists, with his first person defense.
Orthomom confirms what I always felt, that the U.S. is a Christian country.
The Town Crier announces: Elie Katz is inaugurated as Youngest and first ever Orthodox Jewish Mayor of Teaneck, NJ!! Mazal Tov!
Menachem Butler gives us the story of WWII Rabbi Louis Werfel killed in the line of duty.
The United Nations is always condemning Israel; is it worth being a member? Here it is a la Dry Bones. And here's what Rick says about it. Shouldn't they be condemning the Palestinians? Read what neo neocon has to say about the recruitment of child-terrorists. (thanks, wbm)
Soccer Dad gives us Hamas without blinders. And lecentre writes about Hamas's non-recognition of Israel.
Judith Apter Klinghoffer explains why views of the Old City of Jerusalem don't show synagogues and what's being done to correct it.
The international sports organizations aren't that much better than the UN. Read what DOT CO DOT IL says about the on again/off again Indonesian Fed Cup tie in Israel.
Here's some historical perspective, research about Kosovo, by Francisco Gil-White.

And about perspectives, Drew Kaplan's linguistic explanation of the phrase "Havel Havelim" makes it clear that I'm going to have to change my introduction, which has been adopted by other bloggers. Though, to be frank, I do think that my use of "norishkeit" is closer to his definition than the traditional "vanities."
Ps, better late than never from Ezzie:welcome to the real world and the follow up.
Irina, last week's Havel Havelim hostess, reflects and answers criticism she received about her awesome, mammoth edition. As one who has been hosting HH from the early months, I must say that the search for posts is exhausting and difficult, and we really do post everything we get including multiple posts from the same blogger. (I certainly don't have the time and energy to pick and choose, and I'm guilty of sending multiple posts, too. Generally I write a variety of genres; is it so terrible?) For most of us the only thing we'd refuse to post would be pornography. I always send a reminder to the Israeli bloggers yahoo list, which is more "left-wing," but it's rare for it to be very fruitful.I must say though that this is the first edition of all those I've hosted with a nice number of "self-nominated" posts. I included every post which was sent to me, as long as it wasn't just a link to an enewspaper article or other blog. I don't see it as my job to judge which are the best. I sincerely apologize if I missed any posts. Thanks to Soccer Dad for sending posts I never would have found. Feedback is always welcome.
This will be posted on both me-ander and Shiloh Musings. Me-ander should be easier to read, since Akiva fixed the template. Thanks again.
Send your links for the next edition of Havel Havelim via Conservative Cat’s handy form or the blog carnival one, and at the same time you may discover other “carnivals” to visit and enter. You can also use those forms to send kosher recipes and other kosher food posts to the Kosher Cooking Carnival. Blog carnival also has a great listing of recent carnivals for your sidebar. You can either get one for a specific carnival, like HH or KCC, or a general one.
Thanks to Soccer Dad for his hard work keeping this going, and if you want to host, please let him know at dhgerstman at hotmail dot com.
This appears in the UberCarnival.
Please put up a blurb on your site alerting readers to Havel Havelim. Thanks and enjoy!
Shavua Tov!
Unbelieveable! Kol HaKavod! But now I have too many windows open.... :-)
Thanks and remember to post the link for your fans!
Kudos to my wife, the Eshet Chayil of the Blogosphere.
so now you understand why I kept hogging the computer?
Great HoH, and very musical, Batya!
super stuff! Thanks Batya, all kinds of new blogs to me in here!
Thanks for the link and for all the hard work you put into this week's HH, Batya. Terrific job!
Wow! That's unbelievable! : D
Wow, all of you who take the time to put this together are amazing.
Awesome! Kol ha-kavod, Batya!
Thanks one and all, certainly couldn't have done it without all your contributions!
But I'm just waiting for someone (of my generation) to pipe up with:
"I remember that show!"
And now...
please send me your links for next week's Kosher Cooking Carnival!!
Hi Batya,
Just randomly typed my own name into google to see who linked to me and was positively surprised to find a link to my site on your blog. Thanx. I stayed a while and read some of the stuff. Boy do I agree with you. Keep up the good work.
Avraham Roos
Thanks, Avraham.
Googling's always a surprise.
write a letter to a great personnalitie!
i post your letter
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