Part 1
Painless Pesach Preparations. No, I'm not cleaning, at least not yet. I'm just trying to empty out the freezer. It's a good way of saving money, too. We buy a lot less, when we use up what's in the freezer. Cleaning comes closer to the Passover holiday. I hate cleaning.
I also stopped buying noodles, and I've been making whole wheat and colored for my husband. Since I've been on a diet, I stopped eating it. It's not that it's totally forbidden, it's just that once I take a small serving, I'll just take more and more, like an addict, a pasta addict.
Part 2
And now for a recipe.
Meatloaf Sans The Carbs
Every recipe for meatloaf I've ever seen has included, flour, matzah meal, bread crumbs or something like that. The cookbooks insist that a "binder" is needed, but that's not true. The meatloaf pictured here, prior to its cooking, was made with chopped meat (chicken), an egg, an onion and a diced tomato. I threw in a bit of flavoring.
The recipe is good for celiacs and also good for anyone who for any reason can't eat wheat.
I do a version of that..very easy, carb-free.
Ground turkey meat - 2lbs, add cumin, dried herbs to taste, pepper, paprika..mix well
Whizz in the food processor: one clove garlic, two carrots, a green pepper, a red pepper, a quarter onion till all of them are in chopped pieces.
Line a loaf pan with foil
Add all the veg to the meat, mix well, fill up the loaf pan and pop it in the oven, on a tray. 350 degrees. Cook for 45 mins to an hour. Delicious.
Helen, thanks for the recipe. It sounds really delicious!
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